Tokyo, January 4, 2022 – Rakuten Bank, Ltd. today announced that its total balance of deposits (non-consolidated) has surpassed seven trillion yen as of the end of December 2021.
- Rakuten Bank, Ltd.
Rakuten Bank Surpasses Seven Trillion Yen in Total Deposit Balance
Rakuten Bank became the first online bank in Japan*1 to surpass 11 million accounts*2 in July 2021, and the number of Rakuten Bank accounts continues to grow steadily. In recent years, the company has strengthened collaborations across the Rakuten Group’s diverse portfolio of services, with initiatives such as the Super Point Up Program*3, which scales up the percentage of points earned on Rakuten Ichiba, and provision of the Money Bridge service, which connects Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities accounts. The number of Money Bridge-linked accounts surpassed three million in December 2021, the same month in which the amount of total balance of deposits surpassed four trillion yen, as the number of customers using multiple Rakuten financial services continues to increase.
Recently, the pandemic has kept people indoors and necessitated new lifestyle choices. Rakuten Bank offers the convenience of an entirely-online banking service — one that never requires a visit to a physical location — and the number of public utilities offering Rakuten Bank as an option for automatic money transfers has increased. Rakuten Bank continues to improve its existing services while offering new ones, including a recently-added function which allows users to check their Rakuten Bank account balance using the Rakuten Pay smartphone app, and extending the viewable time frame for account activity histories to include the full account history on the Rakuten Bank website. As a result, after exceeding six trillion yen in (non-consolidated) total deposit balance in June 2021, Rakuten Bank was able to surpass seven trillion yen in approximately six months.
Going forward, Rakuten Bank will continue working to offer innovative and convenient products and services to customers.
*1 As of July 5, 2021. Research by Rakuten Bank.
*2 Excludes closed accounts.
*3 If a customer uses their Rakuten Card to pay when purchasing products on Rakuten Ichiba and the account used to pay is a Rakuten Bank account, they will earn an additional +1% point-back incentive.