Rakuten and Sustainability


towards sustainability

Rakuten was established with the mission of empowering people and society
by creating value through innovation and entrepreneurship. Ever since the inception, our efforts to
revitalize Japanese society as a whole has been unwavering.
Over the decades, we have successfully grown into a global company, and we continue to play
an important role in establishing a more resilient future for all stakeholders.

As we address climate change issues, provide an inclusive work environment,
and set up responsible governance system, we invite you to take a look at how Rakuten creates a long-term
value and carries out responsible operation.

Rakuten's Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability encompasses a wide range of topics. As a company with more than 70 services, identifying which ESG aspects are particularly important to the Rakuten Group can be challenging, but this is crucial to our combined efforts to have an impact.

The identification of the ESG topics material to our Group is a process formalized internally and conducted regularly, every 4 to 5 years, in order to reflect the latest changes in our business developments, macroeconomic affairs and stakeholders' expectations. It is based on the principle of double materiality, meaning that topics were identified in view not only of our impact on our businesses but also of our impact on society. The future risks and opportunities highlighted through this process are at the center of the long-term vision and goals developed by the Sustainability Committee. This vision constitutes our Group sustainability strategy. Its latest version was approved by the Board of Directors in 2021.

Materiality Identification Steps

Step1:Listing of relavant ESG issues / Step2:Evalution of the importance / Step3:Finalization and approval

Our Strategy

Rakuten's Mission: To empower society through innovation and entrepreneurship

See the progress in 2023 for each Business foundations.

Focus Areas

These are issues we anticipate to be key drivers in the years ahead. They are central to cross-organizational discussions aimed at clarifying the Group's vision and its role in driving positive social transformation.

Diversity, Equality, Inclusion

Diversity is one of Rakuten's core strategies and the driving force for innovation. We extend equal opportunities to everyone and maintain a fair and inclusive working environment. Employees can demonstrate their individuality and play an active role in their daily work. We respect each person's background, values, and identity.

Talent Acquisition, Development & Retention

It is crucial for Rakuten to find talented people to ensure the successful execution of the business strategy and sustainable empowerment of society. In addition to hiring candidates with diverse backgrounds, skills, and expertise, we strive to develop an environment that will lead to personal and social growth and create a workplace where individual potential can be nurtured further.

Responsible Labor Practices

We recognize that responsible labor practices translate into reduced costs of compliance, lower turnover, and financial stability. While we seek ways to boost the competitiveness and productivity of our employees, we recognize their individual needs, background, and situations in life. We want to be an ethical employer proactively addressing human rights protection and organizational governance concerns.

Workplace Safety & Employee Wellness

Employees are an essential part of business execution and achievement of the corporate mission. We secure the safety of our employees and create a workplace where everyone can feel safe, healthy, and happy.

Responsible Advertising, Marketing & Labelling

Our brand is an important asset, present in all our service names. For "Rakuten" to be synonymous with trust, we engage in honest and ethical communication, providing accurate and relevant information on our services and products so our customers can make informed purchase decisions.

Internet Governance & Freedom of Speech

Rakuten offers various online content, applications, and platforms to users globally. We ensure that they are treated equally without discrimination or censorship, confirming there's no disinformation. We respect the rights of stakeholders so they can express their thoughts and opinions.

Sustainable Production & Consumption

Changing companies' behavior is fundamental to realizing a sustainable society. One of Rakuten's strongest advantages as a platformer is to engage with and influence a larger community, both on the providers of services and products and consumer sides. By promoting sustainable business practices with our partners, we will contribute to achieving more sustainable lifestyles for all.

Climate Change & Energy

As a company offering various services online, we consume a large amount of electricity. Depending on how the energy is produced, it can result in the emission of greenhouse gases responsible for climate change. As one of the most pressing issues facing society today, we are committed to leading the fight against climate change and contributing to creating a carbon-neutral society.

Risk & Crisis Management

With over 70 businesses traversing the world, it is extremely important that we are always prepared for any unforeseen disaster and new challenges facing the world. Having robust risk management in place is essential for us to be ready for any unprecedented global challenge.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The spirit of entrepreneurship is what makes us Rakuten. It is deeply rooted in our corporate culture. Entrepreneurship drives us to challenge the status quo in pursuing innovation that positively impacts society.

Business Foundations

These are the fundamental issues for all our activities as a provider of internet services.
As they are highly important, management systems are already in place to address them appropriately.

Management System

To strengthen the Group's framework for incorporating social and environmental perspectives into our businesses and supervising the implementation of related initiatives, the Rakuten Group Sustainability Committee was established in 2021. Chaired by the CWO (Chief Well-being Officer), the Committee is a place for sharing information, including stakeholder expectations and industry best practices regarding ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) matters, and for decision-making on Rakuten's sustainability strategy and target-setting.

Its decision-making process is supported by Subcommittees created to handle challenges that require long-term, cross-organizational discussions, namely the environment, human rights, and DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) topics. The Committee's deliberations and Subcommittees' action progress are regularly reported to the Board of Directors.

Group Sustainability Commitee

Engaging Employees in Sustainability

Employees play an essential role in our ability to operate sustainably and design sustainable services and products. Continuous engagement encourages employees' more in-depth understanding of their responsibility, guides their actions in their daily work, and fuels their capacity to innovate for sustainable service development.

Asakai, Rakuten's corporate-wide weekly meeting, is an opportunity where everyone shares regular updates on sustainability initiatives. Annual training is mandated for all executives and employees to enhance their awareness of sustainability challenges. It covers our sustainability-related policies, goals and initiatives including human rights and the environment, in our direct operations and procurement activities.

An employee-led network, the Social Empowerment Community, offers further chances to examine and discuss sustainability through regular events, newsletters, and other communication tools. The Community holds seminars on a variety of topics, including the basics of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the issue of marine plastics, etc.

Finally, the Sustainability Action Awards, which were launched in 2022 to celebrate Rakuten's 25th anniversary, highlight notable sustainability initiatives by employees. In 2023, nearly 500 employees submitted their projects, and the Grand Prize was awarded to Rakuten Energy for its customer engagement campaign to reduce their electricity consumption. Other projects were rewarded, including Rakuten Travel's sustainable icons and Rakuten Farm's land revitalization through organic agriculture.

Engaging Employees in Sustainability image