April 8, 2024
  • Rakuten Mobile, Inc.

Rakuten Mobile Surpasses 6.5 Million Mobile Carrier Service Subscribers

Tokyo, April 8, 2024 – Rakuten Mobile, Inc. today announced that the number of subscribers for its mobile carrier service has surpassed 6.5 million as of April 8, 2024*1, which marks the fourth anniversary of its service launch.

Since the full-scale launch of its mobile carrier service in April 2020, Rakuten Mobile has continued on its mission to democratize the mobile industry, offering an affordable and simple service plan while expanding the Rakuten network area through the build-out of base stations and roaming agreements.

Rakuten Mobile has broadened its appeal to customers by strengthening its service offerings, launching the “Saikyo Family Program” in February 2024, which awards family subscribers a 100 yen (110 yen including tax) monthly discount on the Rakuten SAIKYO Plan*2*3. In addition, its “Saikyo Youth Program” launched in March 2024 awards Rakuten SAIKYO Plan subscribers 22 years old and younger 110 Rakuten Points every month*2*4*5*6. The two programs combined give eligible customers monthly service for an actual price as low as 780 yen per month (858 yen including tax) – the lowest currently available among all carriers in Japan – by subtracting the 100 yen discount from the Saikyo Family Program and applying the 110 Point back reward from the Rakuten Youth Program to the monthly fee of 980 yen (1,078 yen including tax) for up to 3GB of data usage. This competitive price point has found favor with customers across Japan*7*8.

Rakuten Mobile’s services for business customers recently changed its name to “Rakuten SAIKYO Plan Business” in March 2023, which combined with its Mobile Virtual Network Enabler (MVNE) service customers, now provides services to over 10,000 enterprise customers*9.

Rakuten Mobile will continue its efforts to improve network quality and expand its range of services so that customers can enjoy best-in-class mobile services anywhere in Japan. 

*1 The 6.5 million subscribers number includes Rakuten SAIKYO Plan, Rakuten Mobile Business Plan and Rakuten Turbo subscribers as of April 3, 2024. The number of subscribers in this press release indicates the number of MNO subscribers. The total number of subscribers including BCP and MVNO customers has surpassed 7 million as of April 3, 2024. (BCP is the B2B pricing plan for Business Continuity Plan purposes.)
*2 Rakuten SAIKYO Plan (Data Type) customers are not eligible for this program.
*3 This program is for families with the same last name as the “family representative.” Rakuten Mobile is considering updating this program in the future so that it can also be applied to a wider range of families, such as common-law marriages and same-sex partners, in order to meet a greater diversity of customer needs.
*4 Applicable until the month before the customer’s 23rd birthday month.
*5 For customers with multiple lines, only one line is eligible for this program.
*6 The Rakuten Points awarded are limited time points. Monthly points are awarded around the end of the month after the next month following the one in which the customer’s entry is confirmed from the official program page.
*7 Comparison of the actual price of services offered by other carriers through campaigns for customers of 22 years of age and younger as of March 2024, excluding family discounts and plans for kids, and excluding other benefits. Research by Rakuten Mobile.
*8 The actual price includes points awarded at a later date upon achievement of the applicable conditions of the program and differs from the actual payment amount.
*9 As of March 8, 2024.

*Product names and service names published in this press release are generally trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Trademarks such as TM and ® may be omitted when trademarks are listed in this press release.

*Please note that the information contained in press releases is current as of the date of release.

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