Tokyo, January 29, 2021 – Rakuten Mobile, Inc. today announced “Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI,” a new, enhanced version of the Rakuten UN-LIMIT V mobile service plan with a simple fee structure that flexibly adjusts in line with customer data use. The new service plan caters to the diverse needs of customers, from light users who consume very little data, to heavy users who don’t want to have to worry about their monthly data use. Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI will be available from April 1, 2021. Customers who apply for Rakuten Mobile service starting today and all current Rakuten UN-LIMIT customers will be upgraded to Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI from April 1, 2021.
With the new Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI service plan, when total monthly data usage is 1GB or less, the fee will be zero yen for a customer’s first line. If the total monthly data usage is between 1GB and 3GB, the fee will be 980 yen, and for total monthly data usage between 3GB and 20GB, the fee will be 1,980 yen for a customer’s first line, and the monthly rate will be determined by the amount of data used each month. Customers whose data usage exceeds 20GB can use unlimited data*1 for 2,980 yen per month. For customers with a second line, total monthly data usage of 3GB or less will be charged at 980 yen.
As with previous Rakuten UN-LIMIT plans, customers can use unlimited high-speed data in the Rakuten network area, with a monthly allocation of 5GB of high-speed data in the domestic roaming partner network areas and 2GB of high-speed data in the 66 countries and regions covered by the overseas roaming partner network areas. Domestic calls made through the Rakuten Link communication app are free of charge*2.
Applications for Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI will be accepted both online on the Rakuten Mobile website and at Rakuten Mobile shops nationwide.
After the launch of Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI, new applications for Rakuten UN-LIMIT V will no longer be accepted. Customers who apply for Rakuten UN-LIMIT V and Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI will be eligible for the campaign offering 3 million customers the first full year of service free of monthly fees. The campaign will continue until the number of applications reaches the 3 million mark. Existing Rakuten UN-LIMIT V customers who are currently taking part in the campaign will continue to be eligible for the campaign after the automatic upgrade to Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI.
Rakuten Mobile is committed to offering a simple and intuitive service plan that flexibly adjusts in line with customer data consumption, and eliminating the various fees associated with mobile services, in order to allow all of its subscribers across Japan to enjoy reliable and appealing mobile services.