Tokyo, October 1, 2015 - Rakuten, Inc., Futako Tamagawa Rise Shopping Center, operated by Tokyu Corporation and Tokyu Land Corporation, and Tamagawa Takashimaya Shopping Center, operated by Toshin Development Co., Ltd., today announced that the three companies would collaborate to host the “Futako Tamagawa HALLOWEEN PARTY powered by Rakuten” on Saturday, October 24, 2015.
The ”Futako Tamagawa Halloween Party powered by Rakuten” is Halloween event for the family with a the theme of “Trick but Treat - Make Mischief Even If You Get Candy!!” The event will feature a Halloween parade (costume parade) held around the Futako Tamagawa Rise Shopping Center central plaza in which anyone may participate by registering prior to the event, and numerous booths offering workshops, face painting, photo sessions, and stamp rally stations scattered throughout the three concept zones of the Futako Tamagawa Rise Shopping Center central plaza, galleria, and the Tamagawa Takashimaya Shopping Center. Each person who participates in the parade or the stamp rally will receive a gift of popular sweets from Rakuten Ichiba!
In addition, a concept room decorated with Halloween related interior goods purchased from Rakuten Ichiba will be will be opened for visitors to enjoy on the day of the event.
Futako Tamagawa Shopping Center and Tamagawa Takashimaya Shopping Center have deepened their relationship through holding many events with the local community, including the jointly-held Strandbeest art exhibition put on as part of the opening event for the Terrace Market at Futako Tamagawa Rise Shopping Center Terrace spring 2015, and the Futako Tamagawa Bar gourmet event, held in cooperation with local shopping street associations in the Summer of 2015. Seizing upon the opportunity presented by Rakuten’s relocation to Futako Tamagawa in September, this year’s Halloween event is being planned by the three companies together, with the aim of contributing to and energizing the Futako Tamagawa area.
all three companies hope to contribute to the prosperity of Futako Tamagawa and promote the area through this event.
*2 Operated by Toshin Development Co., Ltd.