Tokyo, August 20, 2015 - Rakuten, Inc. today announced that the PC version of the Rakuten Ichiba Internet shopping mall top page has been redesigned for the first time in approximately four years, and has been officially opened today.
Since its launch in 1997, Rakuten Ichiba has been an e-commerce site where the merchants play the leading role, and has worked with its merchants to provide customers with an enjoyable shopping destination based on its concept of “Shopping is Entertainment!”.
The Rakuten Ichiba page undergoes improvements on a daily basis, and its design, operability, layout, content, display logic, and other characteristics are continually optimized via scientific analysis, A/B testing and other methods based on user usage trends and data.
The new Rakuten Ichiba webpage has been redesigned with a particular focus on the design and operability aspects of the site. In renewing the webpage, an advance trial of the new site was carried out with some users from July 1, and further modifications were made in response to feedback from the users. Today, the new webpage has been officially opened.
The main changes that have been made to the site include improvements to the visibility of project banners, product images and store logos, and enhanced operability achieved by changing the link settings for genre lists etc. from text links to links on block labels. Additionally, given that Rakuten Ichiba is a core service of Rakuten Group, the design of the notification frames to each group service site on Rakuten Ichiba has been modified to promote the cross-use of services.
Going forward, Rakuten Ichiba will continue to work towards creating a marketplace that offers its customers a wide range of products from highly individual merchants and an enjoyable shopping experience.