Tokyo, January 15, 2015 – Rakuten, Inc. today announced that it will launch a delivery locker service for products from the Rakuten Ichiba online shopping mall from spring 2015 in collaboration with Japan Post Co., Ltd. The service will use lockers dedicated to the storage of “Yu-Pack” parcels planned to be established by Japan Post at approximately 30 locations in Tokyo, including post offices.
In line with the expansion of the e-commerce market in recent years, users now require a wider range of ways to receive their purchased products. This service, through collaboration with Japan Post, will allow users to receive their online purchases from Rakuten Ichiba at lockers set up by Japan Post. As a result, Rakuten Ichiba users will be able to receive their deliveries at a time of their choosing, in keeping with growing diversity of users’ lifestyles. It will also contribute to improving the efficiency of shipping, as it enables the completion of a delivery in just one shipment.
The service will launch in April 2015 using lockers installed at about 30 locations around the capital, including post offices. Users will be able to select the shipping method and the Japan Post locker of their choice* for products bought on Rakuten Ichiba and to pick up their deliveries whenever they wish.
Rakuten and Japan Post will continue to work toward developing distribution infrastructure in order to improve shipping efficiency and user convenience.
How to use the service:
STEP 1: Order products on Rakuten Ichiba.
STEP 2: Select the shipping (delivery) method and choose the location of the Japan Post locker.
STEP 3: Confirm the locker password, which can be found in the email that is sent when the delivery is completed.
STEP 4: Enter the password into the designated Japan Post locker and receive the delivered products.
*Only applies to deliveries by Yu-Pack (regular use).