February 2, 2011
  • Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan
  • Rakuten, Inc.

“IPA Information Security Blog” Set Up on
Rakuten’s Special Site for Information Security

- Deliver Reader-Friendly Commentaries on Information Security Issues -

Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan (“IPA,” Chairman: Kazumasa Fujie, Head Office: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) set up a new “IPA Information Security Blog” within the “Information Security Measures” site launched by Rakuten, Inc.(“Rakuten,” Chairman and CEO: Hiroshi Mikitani, Head Office: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo) on Wednesday February 2, 2011.

This blog published by the IPA will present the latest news on information security measures and commentary as the situation demands, with the aim of heightening information security awareness among users.

The penetration rate of the Internet among the Japanese population has reached 78%(*1), and approximately 40% of Internet users are using wireless LAN in their homes. Smartphones are also predicted to secure a majority share of the cell phone market in the near future, and opportunities for using IT continue to expand. On the other hand, the reality is that not much headway has been made in alleviating the uneasiness among general IT users, and the inadequacies associated with information security. According to the “Information Security Awareness Survey(*2)” carried out by the IPA in November 2010, over 80% of people feel uneasiness toward both leakage of private information through viral infection, and non-delivery of products or illegal use of credit card information when using online shopping and auction services. Furthermore, only around 60% of transmitted data is encoded, and over 80% of smartphone users feel there is a need for some kind of security measure.

Faced with this reality, as a provider of Internet shopping mall and auction services, Rakuten set up the “Information Security Measures” site on February 2 with the aim of heightening awareness toward information security among the general public. With our cooperation, the IPA, which is responsible for promoting information security measures within Japan, also set up a new “IPA Information Security Blog” within this site, making use of the “Rakuten Blog” for running columns on information security measures.

“Information Security Measures,” a special site operated by Rakuten, will post the “IPA Information Security Blog,” as well as columns to introduce general knowledge of information security, countermeasures for illegal activities, development processes, and measures to protect various services provided by Rakuten. The “IPA Information Security Blog” will present useful information that makes people more confident about using the Internet, by running reader-friendly commentaries as needed, on information security issues such as the daily management of information, viruses, illegal access, and vulnerability of systems.

Through the “Information Security Measures” site and the “IPA Information Security Blog,” the IPA and Rakuten will work together to educate users and promote the spread of information security measures, with the aim of building a safe and secure environment for the people to use the Internet.

Overview of the “IPA Information Security Blog”

●Opening Date: Wednesday, February 2, 2011
●Commentator: Person in charge at the IPA Security Center
●Commentary Details: Reader-friendly commentaries on information security issues

■Examples of Main Issues
- Explanation of viruses, illegal access, and system vulnerability
- Commentary on results of information security surveys
- Introduction of useful information security tools
- Notification of seminars and events

◆URL for the Rakuten “Information Security Measures” site:

◆URL for the “IPA Information security Blog”:

*1: “Communications Usage Trend Survey 2009” (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, April 27, 2010)
*2: “Information Security Awareness Survey 2010” (IPA, December 20, 2010: Survey based on web-based questionnaire to 5,019 PC Internet users beyond 15 years old across Japan. http://www.ipa.go.jp/about/press/20101220_3.html


*Please note that the information contained in press releases is current as of the date of release.

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