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Bachelor of Translation and Interpretation

Joined in 2012

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Corporate Planning
Planning Division
Rakuten Bank

What are your current responsibilities?

At Rakuten Bank, I am in charge of managing meetings regarding the handling of new products and operations, management meetings, and more. I also prepare reporting materials for the management team, assist in the reorganization of Rakuten’s Organizational Structure, and manage decision-making authority. I have the opportunity to interact with many people throughout the bank, from the person in charge of each project to the management team. I want to help make meetings run as smoothly as possible so that projects can proceed without delay and the entire company can keep moving with a sense of speed. I am also involved in developing business continuity systems as a crucial task related to company-wide coordination. I make proposals and reports to the management team, but since creating systems to continue business as a company is increasingly important, I am always receiving suggestions and issues regarding reporting materials. However, I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I am able to create materials that satisfy management.

Why did you join Rakuten?

It’s a great environment for me to grow. Even from a junior level, we are afforded many opportunities to talk directly with management, which allows us exposure to management’s thinking and methods. Since the environment allows you to learn a lot every day, I think the pace of one’s personal growth is very fast. I am also motivated by the open and empowering environment, where young people can become main players in projects and reflect their own opinions and thoughts in their work, not to mention the unmistakable visibility of their own achievements. Sometimes I am faced with a difficult project or a challenging situation, but the people around me support me so I may achieve it on my own. I can take on any challenge without fear.

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What do you keep in mind in terms of your attitude toward daily work?

I am always conscious of general principles, such as, “What is the purpose of the work I am currently involved in?” Or, “What laws and regulations do we have to comply with?” It is especially important to go back to the basics when you are lost. Also, taking a bird’s eye perspective on things, thinking about the intention of another person’s question and how things will develop beyond my answer are things that I have learned through listening to management on a daily basis. I think this is a way of looking at things that I could not have easily gained when I was a student. I always try to be conscious of such perspectives and visions.

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What does your typical workday look like?

I am involved with various tasks in my department and am often working on completely different tasks throughout the day. I think the important thing is to always grow and make progress. In such situations, lunch time is the perfect time to give my mind a break. I often eat at the company cafeteria with my colleagues. After reviewing the day and confirming the next day’s tasks, I make sure to enjoy my private time. After work, I do yoga and have dinner. By refreshing myself, I prepare myself for the next day! I think that’s a good thing.


Every morning after arriving at the office, the team shares their schedules and checks the progress of their tasks.
I prepare materials for meetings. I am always conscious of the fact that I can add even a small amount of value to the previous material.
I often have lunch with my peers at the company cafeteria. I also buy coffee at a cafe and go for a walk outside.
The afternoon starts with responding to inquiries and preparing for meetings.
Internal meeting. I participate in the review meeting on handling new products and new business.
After the meeting, I take the minutes, manage issues, etc., and immediately proceed to prepare materials for the next meeting.
I leave the office after reviewing the day and checking the next day’s tasks. I go to yoga or have dinner with my peers to refresh myself.

*This article is based on information provided at the time of the interview.


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