The Earth Mall opens its doors on Rakuten Ichiba – For a more responsible shopping

June 13, 2018
by Sustainability

On April 26th, the Earth Mall with Rakuten opened its doors on Rakuten Ichiba, giving consumers the opportunity to purchase products that support more sustainable lifestyles.

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals

Natural resource depletion, pollution, child labor… Some of the products consumed by our societies are connected to critical development issues faced by the world today. To address those challenges, changing our production methods and consumption behaviors is key. 
In 2015, the United Nations established an agenda of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the world to achieve by 2030, covering a broad range of social and environmental aspects: poverty, health, eductation, justice, climate change... "Responsible Consumption and Production" is the goal number 12. With the Earth Mall, Rakuten reaffirms its commitment to contribute to the realization of the United Nations' agenda.

Products that can change the future

The Earth Mall with Rakuten gathers information on consumer good that were produced using practices that do not harm the environment, and respect human rights and enable the economic development of all stakeholders in their supply chain. 
For its opening, the Earth Mall with Rakuten invites you to learn more about four certifications, designed by independent non-profit organizations, with worldwide recognition:

  • The MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) are two certifications for seafood, ensuring sustainable fishing and aquaculture
  • The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification promotes responsible management of the world’s forests for paper and wood-made products and packages for instance
  • The RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) developed global standards for a palm oil production to minimize negative social and environmental impacts

Why don’t you visit the Earth Mall with Rakuten and see which products of your everyday life could make the future brighter? Soap, coffee filters, cooking paper, cat food… The list of sustainable products is already long and will soon feature other certified products and recommendations by sustainability experts. So, keep an eye on the Earth Mall with Rakuten for future updates!