Rakuten Group Customer Harassment Policy



“Maximize Customer Satisfaction” is one of the principles found in Rakuten Shugi, a set of defining values and guidelines practiced by the Rakuten Group.
Every day, Rakuten works alongside customers to respond to their feedback and requests, improving our products and services, and enhancing their quality based on “Voice of the Customer” feedback received at our many customer contact centers and other locations. Our products and services are designed with the customer's point of view in mind, and we aim to deliver the highest level of satisfaction possible to all our stakeholders.

At the same time, there have been instances where our employees have become the target of harassment by customers in the course of their daily operations. The physical and mental safety and health of our employees is essential for maximizing customer satisfaction. In order to meet the expectations of our many customers and to provide better services and products in the future, we must respect the human rights of our employees and protect them from harassment. In response, we established and published the Rakuten Group Customer Harassment Policy.
The term “customer” in our company includes not only consumers but also business operators. We believe that by appropriately responding to customer harassment, we can realize a fair and healthy business environment. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Conduct Constituting Customer Harassment

Customer harassment can mean any of the following acts by a customer or client towards an employee, including temporary employees, of Rakuten or our subcontractors. In light of socially accepted conventions, the following actions are extremely inappropriate and may be harmful to the safety or mental health of our employees.

  1. Verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, coercion
  2. Sexual harassment, stalking, or other inappropriate remarks or behavior
  3. Discriminatory remarks or actions based on race, ethnicity, religion, family origin, or occupation
  4. Forcing employees to spend long hours on the phone or on the sales floor, persistent inquiries
  5. Slander on social media or other online platforms
  6. The following demands, the content and attitude of which are recognized as highly unreasonable in light of socially accepted norms
    1. Demand for disproportionate compensation
    2. Excessive demands for an apology (for example, demanding that employees bow down on the floor to apologize)
    3. Excessive demands or attacks on individual employees (for example, demanding that employees be fired, continuously insisting that certain results be achieved, or demanding to speak to certain individuals or positions in authority)
    4. Requests for services provided by Rakuten Group or products other than those provided by Rakuten Group
    5. Unreasonable requests for money
    6. Unfeasible requests
    7. Other requests deemed to be customer harassment behavior

*The above definition of harassment is based on the Company Manual on Customer Harassment Countermeasures published by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare here: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/11900000/000915233.pdf (*Available in Japanese)

Dealing with Customer Harassment

If we determine that there has been conduct that constitutes customer harassment, we may take the following actions.

  • Suspension of transactions
  • Suspension of customer support
  • Legal action, including civil lawsuits
  • Criminal prosecution
  • Suspension of Rakuten ID use if prohibited behavior under Rakuten Membership Rules applies.

Rakuten’s Structure for Responding to Customer Harassment

Rakuten has established the following systems and structures to prevent the occurrence of customer harassment and to respond promptly and appropriately in the event that it does occur.

  • We have established internal guidelines for customer harassment in the Rakuten Group Regulations, which set forth shared rules for the company.
  • We have established a consultation service for internal use in the event of customer harassment.
  • We place the highest priority on protecting employees who have become victims of customer harassment and will respond appropriately.
  • We will remain consistently aware of the problem of customer harassment, strive to take countermeasures against it, and fulfill our responsibilities as managers and employees against customer harassment.
  • We will provide our corporate partners with accurate knowledge and awareness of customer harassment issues so that they will not engage in customer harassment.
  • We will strive to build good relationships with our corporate partners.

Human Rights

Our business wouldn't be here without our partners and employees who develop, supply, and operate our products and services - as well as our customers, investors, and local communities. That's why we value all of our stakeholders' rights and conduct our business with integrity. We are committed to ensuring fundamental human rights - for achieving sustainable growth and our corporate mission of contributing to society and empowering people.