・ The Rakuten Group recorded revenue growth in all three segments in Q2 FY2022: Internet Services, FinTech and Mobile. Consolidated revenue achieved double-digit growth, up 13.5% year-on-year (YoY), coming to a total of 456.5 billion yen. In addition to the growth in domestic e-commerce*1 transaction value due to both sustained user retention since the impact over two years ago of COVID-driven stay-at-home consumption and the recovery in domestic travel demand, the customer base expansion in Rakuten’s fintech services also contributed to the revenue increase.
・ In Q2 FY2022, the average number of monthly active users*2 across the Rakuten Group in Japan surpassed 37 million, up 11.3% YoY. Cross-use*3 also expanded steadily (74.7%) and the Rakuten Ecosystem’s customer base continues to grow.
・ Due to ongoing strategic investment in future growth for the Mobile segment, including the installation of network base stations, the Rakuten Group recorded Non-GAAP operating losses of 79.1 billion yen in Q2 FY2022. Excluding the Mobile business, Non-GAAP operating income was 45.2 billion yen (up 12.6% YoY). As forecast, Mobile segment losses peaked in Q1 FY2022 and gradually began to decrease in Q2. Going forward, losses are expected to continue to gradually decrease.