Rakuten, Inc. (hereafter “the Company”) announces that with an effective date of October 1, 2019 (expected), the Company has decided that "Rakuten Cash" business conducted by the Company will be succeeded to Rakuten Edy, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rakuten Payment, Inc. which is wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, by way of a company split (hereinafter referred to as the "company split"), as described below.
Since this absorption split corresponds to simplified absorption split to which the provision of Article 784, Paragraph 2 of the Companies Act applies, the disclosure of certain items and details has been omitted from this announcement.
1. Purpose of the company split
The Company decided the company split to increase operational efficiencies and achieve more integral promotion of the payment business operated by the Group.
2. Summary of the company split
(1) Outline of the company split
Resolution date by the Board of Directors |
July 26, 2019 |
Contract date |
July 26, 2019 |
Effective date of the company split |
October 1, 2019 (Expected) |
Note: Since this company split corresponds to simplified absorption-type split prescribed in Article 784, Paragraph 2 of the Company Act, a shareholder meeting to approve this company split will not be held.
(2) Split method
An absorption-type company split in which the Company is the splitting company and Rakuten Edy, Inc. is the successor company.
(3) Details of allotments related to the company split
The Company plans to receive one ordinary share of Rakuten Payment, Inc., the parent company of Rakuten Edy, Inc., as a consideration of the company split.
(4) Handling of subscription rights to shares and bonds accompanying the company split
There is no corresponding matter.
(5) Increase / decrease of capital
There will be no change in the company’s capital stock.
(6) Rights and obligations to be succeeded
Rights and obligations such as assets, liabilities and contractual positions regarding the company split which is prescribed in the absorption-type company split contract will be succeeded.
(7) Prospect of fulfillment of obligations
The company split has no impact on the successor company’s ability to fulfill obligations.