Specified User Information Handling Policy

The purpose of this Specified User Information Handling Policy (the "Policy") is to inform you about the processing information to be collected in relation to designated telecommunications services listed in 1 below (the "Specified User Information") among the services provided by Rakuten Group, Inc. ("we" or "our" or "us") per the requirements (*) of the Telecommunications Business Act (the "Law").

*Under Article 27.5 of the Law, we are designated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as a telecommunications carrier to handle Specified User Information properly, and this Policy is stipulated in accordance with Article 27.8 of the Law.

1. Designated Telecommunications Services

Our designated telecommunications services are as follows:

1-1. Rakuten Anshin e-mail address service

For more information about Rakuten Anshin email address service, please click here.

In this Policy, "users" refers to Rakuten Ichiba merchants and Rakuten Ichiba customers who use the Rakuten Anshin Email Address service.

2. The Specified User Information We Collect

We collect Specified User Information directly from users.

Users’ data

  • Email address

In addition to the above, we collect the following information from Rakuten Ichiba merchants:

  • Authentication information required for using the Anshin email address service (store ID and passwords for the "Anshin email address service Menu")
  • IP address
  • Anshin email address service menu access log
    • IP address
    • Login history

Information related to the transmission of users’ email

  • Email headers (including "From" header information and routing information)
  • Information on the existence and number of communications
  • Information concerning the place of transmission

Content of emails between users

  • Email headers
  • Email texts

3. Purpose and Methods of Use of Specified User Information

We use Specified User Information for the following purposes:

3-1. For the provision of designated telecommunications services

3-1-1. To encrypt users’ email addresses and provide a secure way of communication

3-2. To assist users' communication as needed

3-2-1. In order for us to respond appropriately to inquiries, claims, and claims from users related to designated telecommunications services

3-2-2. To provide customer support by appropriately responding to inquiries from users after the termination of their use of designated telecommunications services

3-3. To prevent and mitigate fraudulent or illegal activities

3-3.1. For the prevention, identification, and investigation of scams, cyber-attacks, and other potentially illegal or fraudulent activities, or in relation to any other activities necessary to protect our legal rights or the rights of third parties

*To prevent such illegal activity, we may analyze the above-mentioned "2. The Specified User Information We Collect" concerning users and Rakuten Ichiba merchants and provide such analyses and estimates to third parties.

4. Security and International Transfers

4-1. Outline of the security measures

We are committed to handling your Specified User Information by high-security standards and complying with applicable law. We do so to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of your information, maintain the accuracy of such information, and, when necessary, ensure its proper destruction. When collecting or transferring your Specified User Information, we employ data encryption technology and restrict access only to those who require it to fulfill their job responsibilities. We conduct periodic reviews of our practices to ensure that our safeguards are properly implemented and remain state of the art. Please refer to "Details about our Information Security Practices" below to learn about our security management measures.

Details about our Information Security Practices

4-2. Transfer to other countries

When we provide designated telecommunications services, Specified User Information of users is not stored, used, or accessed from outside of Japan.

5. Disclosure Concerning Information Data Breach

There has been no data breach of Specified User Information during the last 10 years (or if we are designated as a designated telecommunications carrier for less than 10 years, such period). The status of the data breach will be updated annually.

6. Change of This Policy

From time to time, in order to comply with changes in applicable laws or for legitimate business purposes, we may make changes to this Policy. Any changes we make will be displayed on this page. Please check back from time to time to ensure you have read this Policy's most recent version.

7. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or our use of the Specified User Information, please contact us using the link below.

In this case, please select "Other Privacy Issues" and indicate that it is an inquiry about this Policy.

Once you contact us, we will respond without undue delay. Please note that when contacting us, we may ask you for certain information to verify your identity and respond to your request appropriately.

List of FAQ and inquiries (Japanese)

Revision History

Initial Document Creation on April 17, 2024