November 13, 2015
  • Rakuten Card Co., Ltd.
  • Rakuten Bank, Ltd.
  • Rakuten Securities, Inc.

Rakuten to Hold Inaugural “Rakuten Finance Festival”

Customers able to earn up to 20 times more Rakuten Super Points during the two-month campaign

  Tokyo, November 13, 2015 –Rakuten Card Co., Ltd., Rakuten Bank, Ltd., and Rakuten Securities, Inc. today announced that they will hold the inaugural Rakuten Finance Festival, the first major campaign to promote Rakuten’s internet finance services collectively referred to as FinTech*1. In the campaign, by using Rakuten Card, Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities’ services, users will be able to earn up to 20 times*2 more Rakuten Super Points*3 than normal when shopping on Rakuten Ichiba*4.

  The Rakuten Group provides financial services that allow users to earn Rakuten Super Points, the group’s loyalty points scheme. In addition to e-commerce and digital content services, the Rakuten Group has expanded to offer FinTech services, such as credit cards, banking and securities, (Operating income for the third quarter of 2015 increased 16.3%).

  Held to coincide with the end of the year and the winter bonus season, during the Rakuten Finance Festival, new or existing Rakuten members*4 will be able to earn as much as 20 times the usual amount of Rakuten Super Points while enjoying saving, investing and shopping.

  The services applicable in this campaign are Rakuten Card, Rakuten Bank and the Rakuten Securities trading services. During the campaign, by using the Rakuten Group’s financial services in an integrated manner, for example by setting their Rakuten Bank account as their Rakuten Card debit account, or by linking their Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities accounts (by registering for the Money Bridge service), users can earn the awards.

  Rakuten Group will continue to work on deepening the integration between its financial and non-financial services in order to provide customers with even more convenient services and better deals.


*1  FinTech is the collective name for Rakuten Group’s financial services, which includes the services of Rakuten Card, Rakuten Bank, Rakuten Securities, Rakuten Insurance, etc.

*2 With regard to Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities, the campaign only applies to members who apply for and set up new accounts during the campaign period.

*3  “Rakuten Super Points” are the points earned by Rakuten members when using Rakuten Group services. Ordinarily, 1 point is earned for every 100 yen spent. Rakuten Super Points can be used with Rakuten Group’s various services.

*4  Operated by Rakuten, Inc., Rakuten Ichiba ( is an “internet shopping mall” featuring over 40,000 merchants (as of November 2, 2015).

Overview of the “Rakuten Finance Festival” Campaign

URL for PCs: (Japanese)

URL for smartphones: (Japanese)

Details:                 Rakuten members who use Rakuten Card, Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities’ services will be able to 
                             earn up to 20 times more Rakuten Super Points than normal when shopping on Rakuten Ichiba.

Eligibility:             Members who enter the campaign during the campaign period and who make applicable transactions with  
                             or use the applicable services of Rakuten Card, Rakuten Bank, and Rakuten Securities.

Campaign period:   10:00 November 13, 2015 to 9:59 January 15, 2016

Entry period:          10:00 November 13, 2015 to 9:59 January 15, 2016

Extra point shopping period: Orders completed between 10:00 November 13, 2015 and 9:59 January 15, 2016

Usage period for extra-rate points: Services below used before the stated deadlines will earn points at higher-than-normal rates.



Applicable services


Rakuten Card

Rakuten Ichiba payments

9:59 January 15, 2016

Debit accounts set up with Rakuten Bank

Usage up until 9:59 January 15, 2016

Rakuten Bank

Applications for new accounts

9:59 January 15, 2016

Additional deposits in term deposit accounts*5

11:59 February 15, 2016 

Rakuten Securities

Applications for new accounts

9:59 January 15, 2016

Additional mutual fund stake purchases*5

11:59 February 15, 2016

Detailed breakdown of higher-than-normal point calculations

Rakuten Ichiba usage

1 point

(1 point for every 100 yen spent)



Rakuten Ichiba payments using Rakuten Card

+1 point

(2 points in total for every 100 yen spent) *6



Additional use of Rakuten Bank services

Up to +10 points

(12 points in total for every 100 yen spent)*7





ž- Newly opened accounts

+1 point



ž- Fixed-term deposit 100,000 yen

+1 point



ž- Fixed-term deposit 500,000 yen

+1 point



ž- Fixed-term deposit 1,000,000 yen

+2 points



ž- Fixed-term deposit 3,000,000 yen

+3 points



ž- Setting up Rakuten Card debit accounts
     with Rakuten Bank

+1 point



ž- Linking Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Securities accounts
     (Registering for the Money Bridge service)*7

+1 point

Additional use of Rakuten Securities services

Up to +8 points

(20 points in total for every 100 yen spent)*8




ž- Setting up new account and purchasing 100,000 yen
    investment trust

+1 point



ž- Purchasing 200,000 yen investment trust

+1 point



ž- Purchasing 500,000 yen investment trust

+3 points



ž- Purchasing 1,000,000 yen investment trust

+3 points


Maximum of 20 times the normal points





*5   Members who enter the campaign during the campaign period and who open a new Rakuten Bank or Rakuten Securities account and who meet the necessary conditions relating to making term deposits or purchasing mutual fund stakes before the February 15, 2016 deadline will be eligible for the higher-than-normal point rates.

*6 Customers who make Rakuten Ichiba payments using Rakuten Card will earn double the usual one Rakuten Super Point for every 100 yen spent. 

*7 To be eligible, customers must open either a new account with Rakuten Bank or Rakuten Securities or both.

*8 The upper limit for points earned via the campaign is 10,000 points each for Rakuten Bank services and Rakuten Securities services respectively. There is no limit for the doubled points rate for those making Rakuten Ichiba payments using Rakuten Cards.


Rakuten Group’s Financial Services

Rakuten Card
Rakuten Card Co. Ltd. was established in December 2001, and has been issuing Rakuten Group “Rakuten Card” credit cards since July 2005. Since the launch of the service, Rakuten Card has had no annual membership fee, and offers users the opportunity to earn points through Rakuten’s loyalty program Rakuten Super Points (the basic point earning rate is 1%, and 2% when using Rakuten Group services), and the points thus earned can be used to make payments when using Rakuten services such as Rakuten Ichiba and Rakuten Travel. Rakuten Card was placed first for the sixth year in a row in the credit card category of the FY2014 domestic customer satisfaction index report released by the association, Service Productivity & Innovation for Growth.


Rakuten Bank
With over 5 million accounts, Rakuten Bank is one of Japan’s largest internet banks. Each transaction earns Rakuten Super Points, and the points thus earned can be used to pay bank transfer fees and to make payments when using Rakuten Group Services. In addition, when customers link their Rakuten membership information and Rakuten Bank account information, a certain amount of bank transfer fees and ATM fees are exempted in accordance with the number of transactions and asset balance of each customer. An extensive range of services can be used via smartphone apps, and customers can use their smartphones to open accounts, transfer funds, and so on.


Rakuten Securities
Established in March 1999, Rakuten Securities is Japan’s first online-only securities company. With over 1.8 million accounts, it is now a major player in the industry with a substantial customer base. With a diverse product lineup including the in-house developed MARKETSPEED trading tool and iSPEED smartphone app, the company constantly strives to provide innovative new services developed from the perspective of customers aimed at helping individual investors with asset building and providing an ideal trading environment. Rakuten Securities also provides services that take full advantage of the strengths of Rakuten Group, including providing points that can be used when shopping with Rakuten Ichiba and collaborations with Rakuten Bank and Rakuten Card.             


Regarding explanation of fees and risks
When investing in products etc. offered by Rakuten Securities Inc., customers may be required to pay certain charges and fees. There is also the possibility that those products etc. may experience price fluctuations and so on, resulting in losses. Please carefully read and take sufficient heed of the relevant information on the Investment Fees and Risks page (Japanese) on the Rakuten Securities Inc. website and the pre-contract documents, etc.

Company name: Rakuten Securities Inc. (

Company Registration Number: Director of Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Financial Instruments Firms) No. 195, Commodities Future Trading Firm

Member of the following associations: Japan Securities Dealers Association, the Financial Futures Association of Japan, the Commodity Futures Association of Japan and Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association.

*Please note that the information contained in press releases is current as of the date of release.

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