Tokyo, April 30, 2015 – Rakuten Securities Inc. today announced that from late July 2015, it plans to begin accepting applications for general securities accounts for customers under 20 years of age. This will allow minors to trade stocks etc. through Rakuten Securities Inc., something they are currently not able to do.
The new tax law reform package enacted this fiscal year included a decision to establish the Junior NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account) scheme. The aim of the Junior NISA scheme is to contribute to the nurturing of young and inexperienced investors and increase the number of such investors, support stable household asset building, and increase the supply of growth capital required for economic growth. Rakuten Securities has decided to allow minors to open general securities accounts before the Junior NISA scheme comes into effect. Account holders will be able to engage in transactions involving the financial products offered by Rakuten Securities, such as domestic spot-trading stocks, foreign stocks, and investment trust funds.
With the establishment of general securities accounts for minors, Rakuten Securities will also begin providing educational information regarding investment to the younger generation in order to contribute to the broadening of the range of potential investors.
Rakuten Securities will also continue to work on expanding its customer base by providing a range of services and products designed to meet the needs of its customers.