July 1, 2013
  • Rakuten, Inc.

Rakuten Energy, Koyo Electric and Global Engineering Agree on Business Partnership

Promoting Total Energy Solutions Including Electricity and Heat

Tokyo, July 1, 2013 – Rakuten Energy today announced that it agreed to form a business partnership with Koyo Electric Corporation and Global Engineering Co., Ltd. to promote their energy solutions businesses. The goal of the partnership is to provide solutions that aim to optimize the overall supply of energy including electricity and heat to hotels and Japanese inns, where energy demand is high. This initiative will also be showcased at the Rakuten Travel EXPO to be held in Osaka and Tokyo on July 2 and 8 respectively.

Rakuten has been offering proposals for demand response mainly with regard to power issues such as the raising of electricity charges, and the method of determining the contract demand. On the other hand, energy test marketing among Rakuten Travel hotels has revealed a great demand for solutions that achieve overall optimization of the energy supply, including electricity and heat at hotels and Japanese inns where energy demand is high. There is also a strong correlation between the energy used at a hotel including electricity, and the hotel operation rate. It has come to light that there is a need for greater coordination between energy supply and the online travel booking service provided by Rakuten Travel. The partnership with Koyo Electric and Global Engineering will promote total energy solutions in aiming for overall optimization through the provision of not only traditional power demand control solutions, but heat energy solutions centered on upgrading boiler systems for example.

The energy services of Rakuten’s Renewable Energy Business, Energy Solutions Business, and Power Supply Business will be promoted through Rakuten Energy*, which launched on June 28. The Energy Solutions Business will carry out big data analysis on energy data, weather data, hotel operation rate, etc., accumulated through the provision of services, and aim to build a platform for the high-energy consumption segment.

*Press release: https://corp.rakuten.co.jp/news/press/2013/0628_02.html



*Please note that the information contained in press releases is current as of the date of release.

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